Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Create a Library Template in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 allows you to create a library template which contains the library configuration and optionally its documents.  Creating a library template is an essential step in copying and moving a library.
  1. Login to your SharePoint Site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > View All Site Content
  3. sp2010_viewallsitecontent
  4. Select the document library you wish to create a template from
  5. In the ribbon, click the Library tab
  6. In the Settings section click Library Settings
  7. sp2010_librarysettings2
  8. Click “Save library as template” under the Permissions and Management column
  9. sp2010_permissionsandmanagement
  10. This will take you to the Save as Template page
  11. sp2010_saveastemplate
  12. Enter a file name (without extension) to use for the template file
  13. Enter a title to use for the template.  This is what you want to appear in the list template gallery for this template
  14. Enter a description for the template
  15. If you wish to copy all the documents in the library as well as the library configuration check the Include Content check box
  16. Click OK

Create a New Blog in Sharepoint 2010

  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account.
  2. From the Site Actions, select  View All Site Content.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Click Blog, input a title and URL and click Create. 12

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Manage the Recycle Bin of a Site

Manage the Recycle Bin of a Site

In SharePoint 2010 when a user deletes any content from a site the items are placed in the Recycle Bin. This article will help the administrator manage the recycle bin of a site.
Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account.

View items in the Recycle Bin

  1. To open the Recycle Bin, click Recycle Bin on the Quick Launch
  2. sp2010_recyclebin

Delete an item from the Recycle Bin

  1. Check the box next to the item you wish to permanently Delete
  2. sp2010_deletecheckbox
  3. Select Delete Selection
  4. sp2010_deleteselection
  5. Click OK

Restore an item from the Recycle Bin

  1. Check the box next to the item you wish to Restore
  2. sp2010_deletecheckbox
  3. Select Restore Selection
  4. sp2010_restoreselection
  5. Click OK

Create a New Security Group

Create a New Security Group

SharePoint 2010 allows you to control who has access to your sites and content via security groups.
  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > Site Permissions
  3. sp2010_siteactionspermissions
  4. Select Create Group on the Permission Tools Tab
  5. sp2010_permissionstabcreategroup
  6. Enter a name and description for the security group you wish to create in the Name and About Me Description section
  7. Specify the owner of the security group in the Owner section
  8. Specify who can view and edit the membership of the group in the Group Settings section
  9. Specify settings for join and leave requests for the group in the Membership Requests section
  10. sp2010_securitygroup
  11. Click Create

Configure Email/SMTP in SharePoint 2010

Configure Email/SMTP in SharePoint 2010

You can configure outgoing e-mail for a farm by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.


  1. Verify that you have the following administrative credentials: You must be a member of the Farm Administrators group on the computer that is running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.
  2. In Central Administration, click System Settings.
  3. On the System Settings page, in the E-Mail and Text Messages (SMS) section, click Configure outgoing e-mail settings.
  4. On the Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.
  5. In the From address box, type the e-mail address as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients.
  6. In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
  7. In the Character set list, select the character set that is appropriate for your language.
  8. Click OK

Configure outgoing e-mail for a specific Web application

You can configure outgoing e-mail for a specific Web application by using the Central Administration Web site as well. Use the following procedures to configure outgoing e-mail. Additionally, site administrators can receive notices when users request access to a site if you choose to set it up that way.


  1. Verify that you have the following administrative credentials: You must be a member of the Farm Administrators group on the computer that is running the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.
  2. In Central Administration, in the Application Management section, click Manage web applications.
  3. On the Web Applications Management page, select a Web application, and then in the General Settings group on the Ribbon, click Outgoing E-mail.
  4. On the Web Application Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.
  5. In the From address box, type the e-mail address (for example, the site administrator alias) as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients.
  6. In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address (for example, a help desk alias) to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
  7. In the Character set list, click the character set that is appropriate for your language.
  8. Click OK.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Manage SharePoint 2010 Users with Active Directory

Manage SharePoint 2010 Users with Active Directory

This article will go over managing users in SharePoint 2010 if attached to a domain or active directory. 
To manage users in SharePoint 2010 using active directory, please follow these steps:
  1. Log into your server through Remote Desktop Connection
  2. Navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.
  3. Expand the active directory domain and right-click Users and choose New > User.
  4. Enter in the user's name, username (login name) and click Next.
  5. After clicking Next you will be prompted to enter in a password for the user. Enter in a secure password, click Next, and then click Finish.
  6. The AD user is now setup.
  7. To add the user to SharePoint, log into the SharePoint site as the account administrative user.
  8. Navigate to Security and click the Security link.
  9. Under Users, click Specify web application user policy.
  10. Once under the users page, click Add Users.
  11. Select the web application the user should have access to and the zones. Click Next.
  12. In the Users field, find the local user or enter in the user name. Choose the permissions the user should have and click Finish. The user is now added to that web application.

Manage SharePoint 2010 Users

To manage users in SharePoint 2010 which are not attached to a domain or using active directory, please follow these steps:
  1. Log into your server through Remote Desktop Connection 
  2. Open Server Manager by right-clicking My Computer > Manage or by going to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
  3. Expand Configuration Local Users and Groups > Users.
  4. Right-click Users and choose New User...
  5. Enter in the User NameFull nameDescriptionPassword, Confirm the Password and any other options.  Then click Close.
  6. Right click user and choose Properties to edit the group.  Switch to the Member Of tab and add the group.  If the user should have access to Remote Desktop, add the user to the Administrators group. Then click OK and connect to the server with the new user.
  7. To add the user to SharePoint, log into the Sharepoint site as the account administrative user.
  8. Navigate to Security and click the Security link.
  9. Under Users, click Specify web application user policy.
  10. Once under the users page, click Add Users.
  11. Select the web application the user should have access to and the zones. Click Next.
  12. In the Users field, find the local user or enter in the user name. Choose the permissions the user should have and click Finish. The user is now added to that web application.

Add or Remove Users in a Security Group

Add or Remove Users in a Security Group

SharePoint 2010 allows you to control who has access to your sites and content via security groups.

Add Users

  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > Site Permissions
  3. sp2010_siteactionspermissions
  4. Select the security group to which you want to add users
  5. Hover over New and Select Add Users
  6. sp2010_addnewuser
  7. Use the Browse button to select the users you want to add to this security group
  8. sp2010_browse
  9. Click OK

Remove Users

  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > Site Permissions
  3. sp2010_siteactionspermissions
  4. Select the security group to which you want to add users
  5. Check the boxes for users you want to remove from the group
  6. Click Remove Users from Group under Actions
  7. sp2010_removeusersfromgroup
  8. Click OK

Add or Change a Site Collection Administrator

Add or Change a Site Collection Administrator

SharePoint 2010 allows you to control who has access to your sites and content via security groups.
  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. From the site you wish to manage Select Site Actions > Site Settings
  3. sp2010_sitesettings
  4. Select Site Collection Administrators under Users and Permissions
  5. Use the Browse button to find the name of the person you want as the site collection administrator
  6. sp2010_browse
  7. Click OK

Check Out, Check In, or Discard Changes to Files in a Site Library

Check Out, Check In, or Discard Changes to Files in a Site Library

In sharePoint 2010 to ensure no one else can make changes to the file while you are working on it you can check out the file.

To check out a file from a library:

  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > View All Site Content
  3. sp2010_viewallsitecontent
  4. Select your Document Library
  5. Click the drop-down arrow next to the file you want to edit and select Check Out
  6. sp2010_checkout
  7. When the file is checked out, the icon next to the file name is partially covered by a green arrow.  If you hover over the green arrow of any checked-out file, a tool tip displays the name of the document and the name of the person who has it checked out.
  8. sp2010_showwhocheckout

To check in a file:

  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > View All Site Content
  3. sp2010_viewallsitecontent
  4. Select your Document Library
  5. Click the drop-down arrow next to the file you want to check in and select Check In
  6. sp2010_checkin
  7. In the Comments area you may wish to add a comment that describes the changes you made for revision tracking purposes.
  8. Click OK

To discard a check-out:

  1. Login to your SharePoint site as the administrative account
  2. Select Site Actions > View All Site Content
  3. sp2010_viewallsitecontent
  4. Select your Document Library
  5. Click the drop-down arrow next to the file you want to check in and select Discard Check Out.
  6. sp2010_discardcheckout
  7. Click OK
  8. sp2010_discardconfirm